Restore Black: Together We Heal and Thrive

There is a mental health epidemic across the world, affecting individuals of all ethnic backgrounds. However, the ongoing stress caused by persistent racism has disproportionately led to Black people experiencing a greater extent of trauma and a broader spectrum of mental health conditions, while being less inclined to seek help. Introducing Restore Black, a new initiative dedicated to healing trauma within the Black community.

Our Vision

Restore Black envisions a future where mental health and wellness are at the forefront of the Black experience. Through our unique approach of providing insightful interviews and public events featuring live therapy sessions with Black celebrities and professionals, we aim to inspire change, healing and growth.

Live Therapy Sessions

Our public event provide a unique opportunity to witness live therapy sessions with Black celebrities or professionals who openly discuss their mental health challenges. These sessions no only normalise therapy, but also demonstrate the transformative power of seeking support.

Expert Insights

Restore Black collaborates with mental health professionals who specialise in serving the Black community. Through articles, resources, and expert opinions, we provide guidance on navigating mental health concerns and seeking appropriate help.

Our Approach

Inspirational Interviews: Restore Black brings you exclusive interviews with Black celebrities and professionals who openly share their mental health journeys. By showcasing relatable stories of strength, resilience, and recovery, we aim to inspire others to embrace their own paths to healing.

Breaking the Silence

Mental health is universal, yet the Black community has often faced unique challenges when it comes to seeking help. Stigma, cultural misconceptions, and historical barriers have led to a reluctance to engage in discussions about mental well-being. Restore Black seeks to change this narrative by shining a spotlight on mental health and fostering a culture of open dialogue.

Together, We Restore

At Restore Black, we believe that the path to healing begins with unity and shared experiences. By connecting our community through real stories, candid conversations, and powerful events, we're creating a space where individuals can feel seen, heard and empowered.

A Mental Health Epidemic Across the World

Welcome to Restore Black, an organisation dedicated to supporting psychotherapy healing within the Black community amidst the global surge in mental health challenges. These challenges have exploded in the aftermath of Covid-19 with prolonged lockdowns compounded by economic instability, technological disruptions, and ongoing international conflicts. The whole world has been impacted but mental health issues have disproportionately affected the young, the vulnerable and Black populations already afflicted by ongoing racism.

Mental Health Taboo in Black Communities

Despite the prevalence of mental health conditions across all ethnicities, mental illness remains a taboo subject within Black communities. Research highlights the detrimental impact of racism on public health, leading to disparities in healthcare access, higher poverty rates, and increased incarceration rates among communities of colour.

Black Mental Health Matters

Intergenerational trauma, transmitted through genes and environmental factors, further compounds mental health challenges within Black populations. Alarmingly, Black individuals in the UK and USA are more likely to be diagnosed with mental health disorders and subjected to involuntary hospitalisation compared to their white counterparts, with lower rates seeking vital mental health treatment.

Transforming Trauma to Resilience

At Restore Black, our mission is to address mental health wounds within the Black community through a distinctive, media-friendly platform. We aim to increase awareness, provide targeted interventions, and confront deep-seated traumas that have persisted for generations. Recognising the historical trauma and systemic racism embedded in Black experiences, we strive to dismantle these barriers and promote mental well-being through accessible therapeutic practices.

Together We Heal and Thrive

Our innovative approach leverages partnerships with influential Black figures to normalise mental health discussions and make therapy more inclusive and approachable. By destigmatising mental health through celebrity collaborations, we aim to create a culture of healing and empowerment for a healthier, brighter future within the Black community. Join us at Restore Black as we not only provide care and understanding but also cultivate a supportive environment for healing and empowerment, guiding the community towards holistic well-being and resilience.

Restore Black Presents

Our premier event featured the amazing Sarah Brown, who shared her story and her songs with psychotherapist, Audrey James. It was an unforgettable night of insights and inspiration.

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Meet Audrey

Audrey James is a psychotherapist with an interest in Black Trauma and brings an inquiring mind to her work at the intersection of mental health, faith, and culture. she is an inspirational speaker and podcast host who adores her family and friends, walking in nature and just loves to dance.

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Check Out Our Blog

Our blog is home to a variety of content, covering the history and context around 'Restore Black', as well as explorations of spiritual healing. To take a look at our featured post, click below.

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